Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh DRAT: Olives!

Let me explain - a few days ago we noticed that something had spilled in our fridge...something in the very back. Well, I put it off for a couple days and it got nastier & started to smell a little. When I finally started rumaging around on the top shelf, I found the culprit. A stinkin' jar of green olives had tipped over and was slowly leaking all over the place. I thought that those jars were supposed to reseal - at least so they don't spill.

Someone reading this may think that it is sweet revenge....Jennie. Who knows, maybe it was. If indeed it had been the jar she gave me for my birthday, I definately would have reason to be suspicious, but I bought this jar.

For those thinking "what the heck?" I will explain. Many moons ago, when Jennie & I were younger, I was told to make our lunches for school the next day. Well, she was old enough to do it herself & I was a bit bugged that she didn't have to make her own. So to retaliate, I made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Some of you might think that it was nice, I still made the lunch...but I wasn't so nice. I delicately placed a single green olive right smack dab in the center of it. Sweet revenge! Not only is that a wickedly nasty combo, but Jennie hates green olives. (I just found out recently that she went without a sandwich that day, as soon as she found it - she tossed the entire thing. Just in case there were more.) So, that explains the gift of a jar of olives for my birthday. She made up a cute gift bag for me. To celebrate turning 30 - she had 30 items in that bag representing various stories & also age jokes. What a jokester.

So back to the olive mess. I am heading out to Chicago for the most awesome Pampered Chef National Conference EVER and I wanted to have it all cleaned up before I leave Sunday. This evening I have been thoroughly cleaning our kitchen and, more importantly, the fridge. Doesn't it look great? I would have included the before picture - but lets face it, nobody wants to see that & I don't want any photographical evidence floating around out there. That would totally destroy my image of being all together all the time!


Stacey said...

MY those are huge bottles of Hershey's syrup and Heinz 57. Shop at Sam's Club?

Jen H said...

Just for the record: we took turns making lunches and it was her turn.

BTW: I still hate olives in all their varieties. Thanks Nicole! Good times.

Jessica Smith said...

Oh Nicole I love to read your stories you're so funny an olive in a pb&j sooo gross. Thanks for the laughs.