Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Walks home from school

I have always enjoyed walking to get the girls from school. This year it has been a little different, since we are now living closer to the school, we are about a block or so away. FYI: it takes about 8 minutes to walk there at a comfortable speed & about 4-5 minutes running.

We all try to be up early enough to walk to school and then, since Christianna is in kindergarten, I get her early. We spend the entire walk home chatting about her day. I actually notice a difference in our conversations vs. when I get her in the car: we actually have one! At the beginning of the school year, she would recap the entire 3 hours play by play. Now she works on highlights within those 3 hours. Today her favorite part was doing math! I hope that stays as an interesting subject.

I have been missing the chats with Victoria. You see, we moved in 2 houses away from her best friend. They have become inseparable for the most part. I was able to get in a minute or so today to chat with her, long enough to get the favorite part of her day too. She painted today and was so excited about it! She is making a picture of the ocean and apparently the water really looks real. I will be sure to post a picture as soon as we get it home. Even though she is growing up fast and friends are quickly becoming more of a priority; I am glad to get some time for just her.

I absolutely love the individual time I have to spend with each daughter catching up on their school day. It really is one of my favorite parts of the day. (Another one is around 8 when they both are in bed - go figure?)

1 comment:

Jen H said...

What a cute post! I have a nice long ride home (20min) that I can try to get highlights from preschool from both of the kids. I really like that time too.

And I love the cupcakes. Super cute, I mean gross, I mean spooky!!