Monday, November 9, 2009

Good Deeds!

So Victoria just came inside and told me this:
"Mom! There were these boys walking down the street and I saw them ripping open the leaf bags and throwing it on the street. So I went and hid behind a car and when they walked by, I jumped out just as they were going to go to another one & yelled,
'Hey! Leave the bags alone!!'
and they took off running like crazy."

I then asked the girls if they could move the bag from the road and if they would like to put the leaves in a new bag. They said "SURE" and went to work.

I definitely have the 2 greatest daughters in the world!


Jess G said...

What good daughters you have! I love that Victoria scared the boys away!!!

Jen H said...

I can just picture her crouched by the car laying in wait . . . what a sweet story.

The Ellis Fam said...

i finally found your blog, i've been looking for it since our ward camp out. i'm the same way with facebook and blogging and my husband says the same thing as chris. that is the funniest story. i love your girls.