Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

This Mother's Day was wonderful for me! First, we were in Cedar over the weekend so the girls and I were able to go to Sacrament meeting with my parents. Victoria & Christianna were a bit sad that they would not be singing with their Primary back home. Mom talked with the Primary Song leader there and the girls were able to sing with their Primary! It was so sweet. Each child was given a pretty rose to hold while they sang and then they each gave them to their Mothers when they were done. Victoria gave hers to Mom...such a sweetheart!
After Sacrament, we headed home. My goal was to be home in time for dinner. We actually beat Chris home from church. He was so cute! He had this huge smile on his face and said,"I just can't wait!" He then opened the microwave to show me his masterpiece.

He then critiqued his work - but I thought it was fantastic! He even made the frosting for it - which was no small task since he had to find the recipe first and it turns out that it was not labeled as to what it was. It was just a scrap of paper with the ingredient list...not instructions as to what you do with them! So typical of me!! ha ha

I really didn't take a bite out of it....

...but I did accidentally get frosting on me.
Not sure were Victoria was and I am kinda sad that she wasn't in the picture!

All in all, we had a good dinner and dessert and I was able to spend it with my family.
What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I love your hair like that!