Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spring Fling MADNESS!

So our Young Women's Spring Fling is finally done! There was so much stress involved with getting this activity off the ground and I am glad it all worked out and it is now over. Believe me, I was so ready to throw in the towel and do something different this year but Jessica wouldn't let me.
We ran into building scheduling conflicts - made worse with the closing of our Stake Center for renovations which just made our building unattainable. Not to mention the various Stake activities that were popping up everywhere.
We went with the Luau theme this year. The menu: pulled pork, rice, salad, chop suey and fresh fruit. It was delicious! Angie even provided fresh pineapple from Hawaii!
We had the regular fundraising activities; the dinner, cake auction, silent auction and bake sale. We wanted to add a little entertainment as well so we had the girls learn a Polynesian dance to perform for everyone. They did great and had a fun time at it!

There were some cake auction highlights too.
At one point we had someone on their cell phone bidding for a friend who had to work - it was for a very desired chocolate cake with Reese's Peanut Butter cups on it.
Then the bidding was on for an Apple Crumble cake made by Brian be made fresh when wanted served up with vanilla ice cream. Chris started bidding and Aaron kept countering. As they were reaching $75, I was about to have a heart attack! Once it went over $100, I looked at him with such pleading eyes and asked him to please stop some laughs on that one. At $105, Chris yells at Aaron, "Are you serious?" And Aaron just said,"It's good cake!" At that point Aaron suggested that they split it and that we will share the cake when it is made. PHEW! Hey, I know it was for a good cause - but don't overstress the pregnant lady!
A big thanks goes out to everyone who supported the young women. We raised enough for all of them to attend Wilderness camp this year!

1 comment:

lys said...

Yay! Cute pregnant luau belly!