Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oooohhh - we have a garden!!!! (Almost)

You don't even know how excited I am to have my very own garden! It's not that we are just following the fad of recession gardens...I have always wanted one!!! I have waited so many years for this!!! Luckily, this year - we actually have a house, that came with a decent yard where we can have a garden.
We spent most of Saturday preparing our garden plot. We first had to figure out where the sprinklers were located - that was a pain. The pipe actually goes right through our garden! We are going to try to make that to our advantage & add water spout things so it can water our garden too. Our FANTASTIC neighbors, Heather & Aaron were SO MUCH HELP!! They were borrowing a tiller from her parents & we were able to borrow it as well. We decided on an area in the back east corner of our yard. (Chris really enjoyed spray painting the area dimensions. I told him that he should get some green & just spray paint the entire dead looking yard!)

Well, he tilled & tilled & tilled until his entire body shook all on it's own. Just kidding - he had no idea that it would be so much work. So, I made him fresh lemonade to help ease the disgruntleness of it all. I kept pumping him with it until the task was over. We have the most monstrously THICK grass ever.

I worked the rake in between all the tilling to get out all the clumps of grass. I know it doesn't sound like too much compared to the tilling, but I was seriously close to a blister on my right hand! And I don't care how ridiculous I looked in my hat. At least I didn't have a beet red face the next day. Besides, I am in the market for a really BIG BRIMMED one.

After the tilling was done, Christ took a trip to the hardware store for some manure - yummy, right? Then he tilled just a little bit more to mix it all together.Christianna even helped out a little with the raking. I found it funny how the rake is positioned in the second picture!

Now all we have to do is actually plant stuff!!!


Jen H said...

Now go get you some plants. FYI you can get 50 strawberry plants from QVC for $19.99 + shipping and they send them when they are ready to go in the ground. (Can you tell I just ordered them last night and am totally excited about it!!!!)

Now we just need to get a house with space for a garden by May when they ship out.

huth family said...

You'll have to share some of your gardening tips! Good luck, I look forward to the fall harvest pictures!