Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our "baby" started kindergarten!

Our youngest - thus far - started kindergarten today. We are all very excited about it - refer to previous posting for a little inside scoop on my view.

We walked home from school this morning and I definitely got an ear full of her day. I am actually very glad that we walked, it gave us about 15 minutes to chat about everything.

These were key things she told me after I asked how her day went:

  • "I didn't want to go to school today, but now I do. I was a little scared and excited."
  • "I didn't show my underwear today; I sat like a lady." (As anyone with little girls knows, that can always be an issue when you wear a skirt.)
  • "I played hopscotch today and even kept my foot up as I hopped all the way to the end!"

"My favorite part of school was: getting "Smarties" candies because they are so good and I am so smart."

My school friends are: Ruby, Portia & Annalesa

"I learned about asking others to play with me on the playground and that I should say yes to others who ask me to play." (She added, as she pointed her finger at me, "you shouldn't say no.")

"I like my teacher because she is so nice and pretty and I like her."

She was very excited to tell me that tomorrow will be her second day in school - believe me honey, I know. I share in your new excitement and I am very proud of you!

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