Sunday, January 10, 2010

Callings out the wazoo!

Today was a very important day for me. I think it was the end of a whole slew of different callings in our ward. But before I get to the new, I will explain what I mean.

Let's go back to October 2008. This is the month where we officially started attending our new ward. I was soon called to be the Webelos leader. I was apprehensive at first because I am surrounded by girls and I had no clue how scouts even worked. Once I finally got my head wrapped around things, it turned out to be such a fun calling! And then...I was released.

I was then put into Young Womens as the secretary. I kinda laughed when given that one since I am SUPER BAD at organizational skills. Want proof? Ask Chris & then take a look at my office. But I persevered and did my best...for a couple months until I was moved to be the advisor over Personal Progress in YW. During this time I was also a Ma for our Pioneer Trek Youth Conference. (If you ask me, that is truly one of the best callings EVER! I would do it again in a heartbeat. Repeatedly.)
In September, I was yet again, released and put into the Primary as the secretary...thinking there is something I am supposed to learn here? Upon learning that a secretary makes or breaks the Primary organization (thanks Heather) I was seriously not going to be the one to let the ball drop. I put everything I could into making things work & run smoothly for the brand new Primary presidency...who were all new at it.
Which brings me to the here and now...On Jan. 10th I was to move once again. I was released as the secretary and then called to be the new Young Women's President. WOW! I am very excited for this new phase in my life...and not because I am practically guaranteed to be in it for two and a half to three's because I love the girls! Spending all that time on trek with them helped me to really get to know and love them.
I know it is kind of a joke within the ward- all the different places I have been moved to within about a year and a month - but I know that callings come from the Lord, and I was grateful for each of the opportunities I had to get me to where I am now. I hope and pray that I can continue to be a good example and leader for these young women. I think back to my leaders and what an important role they had in my life and I do not want to let these girls down.
I came across this from the General YW President. In reference to all the young women in the world, they are our "bright, shining hope for the future," and we, as leaders, need to help them learn that they are daughters of God and that with that knowledge they can move forward with confidence.
I know that is true!


Jen H said...

I just hink of how we still keep in contact with Diane and Lorrie and now you have a chance to have that same affect on girls. Amazing!!

Melanie Parker said...

I am sure you are an awesome YW President!!