Friday, June 26, 2009

Thare she BLOWS!

After our day of fun & frivolities, we came home and let out Minnie. As I waited up on our deck for her to do her business....I looked around. As I was surveying our back yard...I glanced to the right...and beheld this:

NICE! That outrageous storm finally blew over our fence. Granted, it was on it's way out and was being propped up by a piece of firewood...but come on.
We were so grateful for our good friend, Alan, who spent a good part of Saturday to help us fix the damage. First, it took hours to dig out the cement stump. That stinker was a nightmare! The post had rotted out and we soon found out why. Imagine a circular area of cement...then imagine placing a wooden post on the very left edge of said close to the edge that it isn't even fully surrounded by cement. Well - there you go.
The Stump
Once that was out, the rest went pretty quick.

By the end of the day we had a new post. YAY!

The fence still took a couple more days to complete. Another friend, Andy, came by and our neighbor, Robert, also lent a hand to get the side planks up. And finally, I spent the good part of the next day drilling all the fence slats up. Then...TaDAAAAA...

We had a new fence!
(And we could finally let Minnie into the back yard unattended.)

1 comment:

Jen H said...

Sorry you had to go post-al to get your fence fixed. he he

good job though