Saturday, August 22, 2009

Provo Falls

Saturday was our last camping day. Before we headed home, we went further into the canyon and walked around Provo Falls. It was a little like being back in PA!

Here are all the kids together. I am not sure what John & Sammy are looking at.

We ventured down and then it was play time! Who can pass up playing in water? Definitely not these kids.

Aaaahhh - how cute they are...
Heather & David

Levi & Kenley
and the top of Brett's head

Victoria & Christianna pre-drenched

Most of the adults got into the spirit of fun in the water.

Right here, the girls were getting ready to walk down a very slippery rock.
Shortly after taking about 3 steps, Christianna fell in up to her head! Victoria thought it was very funny, so Christianna - in her little temper - pushed her in too. That's about when I took this:

Honestly, I don't think she minded too much.

John doesn't like walking in the water on slippery rocks without a finger to hold onto.
Aaron just doesn't like to walk on rocks. period.
Heather: not sure about the extreme close-up & Sammy: pretty sure she likes it!

Finally, a picture with my girls. Geez, when you are the photographer - you tend to have any of yourself...but that is ok! (David thought Victoria looked like a troll. Funny! I think they were both tired, wet & cold.)

1 comment:

Jen H said...

Hilarious! Looks like fun and I loved your commentary Nicole.