Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Why Does DAD have to babysit us??"

I really want to know how many other Mom's out there have heard this and any similar variations from the wee ones in their home.

Seriously, I have realized that when I am with the girls, they would never even consider saying that I am babysitting them. I am just being Mom & spending time with them - most of my time actually...

HOWEVER - when I am leaving for a few hours at night, I get this comment! "Why does Dad have to babysit us?" Why is it different? I have to just tell them this, every time: "WHAT?? Dad is not babysitting you - that is just called 'being a Dad.' "


Jen H said...

Too funny! My kids are always torn : "Yes, Daddy is staying with us!!" alternates with them trying to stow away in the van and come with me.

Seriously, they never want to be with me when I am home (or listen to me) but as soon as I get shoes on and head for the door it is a love fest and 'please bring me too". Too funny!

Melanie Parker said...

That is so funny. It is either that or wondering why I feel I have to ask my husband to watch the girls while I go somewhere. He doesn't ask me to watch them when he goes somewhere. ;)

Ganine said...

That is funny!!! Yes my kids are the same way..

Jen H said...

I am glad to see I am not the only one super far behind on my blog. Ha Ha! I'll race you to get caught up! Ready . . . Set . . .Go!! (well after church)