Monday, July 14, 2008

Day one: Pampered Chef National Conference

Hello all! I am finally able to catch you up on my fabulous week in Chicago. Technically, I got there on Sunday, but I didn't take my camera with me as we visited Navy Pier. So, I am starting with Monday. The day started off great with a special Directors & above training in the morning. It was based on personalities and how you can work with each type. I was in the socializer group - surprised? That was followed by a great lunch. The dessert was wonderful - hence the picture. Doesn't that look yummy? In addition to the food, we got gifts!

Then we had the general opening session, where the mass of Pampered Chefers gather together for fun & frivolities. They announced the new products coming in the fall. (I will only share a few of my favorites, you will have to wait until the catalog comes out to see the rest, or just schedule a show & you can see then firsthand - wink, wink.)

After that, we visited the Dream Room. A fun little area that is a comfy place to sit and think of all the possibilities that Pampered Chef can provide. Here I am with Carlos & Debbie. We all had an awesome time. Poor Carlos, I think he found out way more about me than he thought was possible. (Did I mention how great it was to start my trip with an unexpected "visitor" a WEEK early?) So, things like that...sorry Carlos.

Debbie is the most fabulous Director EVER! She has been such a support as I have been trying to reach my goals.

Here is a picture of me and Todd, he is from Arizona. He also promoted to Director, so we walked the stage together on the 3rd day. WAHOO! This was in the dream room, where we found a picture of us from Leadership Conference in January.

We ended this day with a trip down Michigan Ave. to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. I was so stuffed from dinner, that I saved the cheesecake for the next day.

1 comment:

Ganine said...

Way to go girl!!
I love the jewelry!! he he