Wednesday, July 23, 2008

May I use your Zip Line?

Yes, they bombarded my Mom & Dad's neighbor to try this out. The girls had a preview the night before. I was there for a Pampered Chef show & the girls had to hang out with my host's kids until my parents got home. They were having such an awesome time that Christianna practically cried when my Dad come to get them. Even though, the first time down it, she smacked right into the end post! (Bummed that I missed that one.)
Then on Wednesday evening, they went over again and played with the kids and used their zip line. (Christianna still asks what it is called since she can not remember.) They were there until it was practically dark out. Just so you know how badly Christianna wanted to go over - get this! Just before they headed out, I went outside to get a few pictures of my Dad's new bike. He had just finished taking the girls for rides, so it was a little.....HOT. Christianna came over & leaned against the bike - right on the muffler! She burned the area right above both of her knees. My Dad rushed her in the house to put cool rags & ice on them, and do you know what she was most upset about? You would think that she was crying about the burns, NO - she was more upset about not being able to go play! So after about the longest 5 minutes ever, I took her over. I must admit, it was awesome. I think my parents need to put one up at their house.

1 comment:

Jen H said...

That is awesome. Maybe we can go ask them that ?? When we go visit mom next.

Do you think if we are all good girls and ask Dad real nice he would set one up for us?