Sunday, June 1, 2008

Graduations: new & old

Picture 30
Today I attended a police gradutation of one of our friends. He went through post & finished today! It was exciting for all those involved.... It actually brought me back to when Chris graduated. ( I seriously got a little choked up remembering it.) It will be 6 years ago in July - man, it is hard to believe that.
At that time there were 2 graduations, one from State of Utah POST & the other from Salt Lake's in-house academy. He graduated POST in late December - I was HUGE with child. (This is really no exaggeration, trust me.) We were worried that I would have Christianna early & miss out on everything. But all went well and I was there for it. (She came 3 days later.) Then when he graduated the in-house academy in July of the next year & was officially a Salt Lake officer - things became more real. I pinned his badge on and everything. I was so proud. Even now, when he leaves for work every day - I am still so very proud of him!

We are hoping to be able to celebrate another graduation of sorts tomorrow. He has been attending motor school and he has 1 more day left of testing. We are all hoping that he makes it through. A little sidenote....I wasn't sure that I was going to like the new uniform that he would wear as a motor officer, I mean, he is sooo HOT in his regular uniform & also even more when he is in his PLU gear (aka - the riot gear) ... but boy, he does look amazing in the brown motor pants & hooker boots...tssssss hot! --Keep your hands off! He's mine!!


Jen H said...
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Jen H said...

Thanks for the photos, old and new. I remember going to the first one. Christianna sure was about to bust out! I remember wondering if it would be before, during, or after the graduation. he he