Which makes me think..maybe I should share things you don't know about him. Wouldn't that be fun?
- One night we were playing Cranium & he could not guess the picture I was drawing for "Don't cry over spilled milk." Turns out - he never EVER heard that phrase before.
- When we are in restaurants -or any place really - he runs through "what if" scenarios to test my knowledge and see if I would survive or not...ex: crazies enter w/ guns...what do you do? He actually threw one at me when we were driving somewhere once...in case we were boxed in by cars on all sides & those crazies appeared again...which car would I ram to get away? (Fun huh? What would you do?)
- He is an ice cream-aholic! I am not even kidding about this. He probably has 3+ servings each time in a huge bowl. (Almost every night too...) He has been known to take one of my mixing bowls for this...then he adds: marshmellows, the occasional oreos- or other cookie type item, fudge or chocolate syrup, sprinkles...and "sprinkles" seems like a little - oh no! He loads them on like there is no tomorrow! Makes you wonder how he isn't a fatty huh?
- He is an apple beer junkie.
- He is a hothead.
- Deep down, he really does like being outnumbered by the females in the house. What would he do without his girls? (I'll tell ya....he would be very lonely, depressed - since we bring so much sunshine & laughter in the house - & starving. :-)
- He doesn't like to read that much - with the exception to the newspaper and the current Harley Davidson catalog. It makes him tired, so he says....
- He is desperately wanting to get his hands on a WII and all the accessories available. Maybe someday, honey!
- He loves the song "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney. It is the programmed ring on his phone for when I call or message him. Funny thing though...he doesn't have -or ever had, in fact, any type of a tractor! Plus, tractors aren't really a turn on for me.
- He takes up most of the closet space in our bedroom closets. He also has at least 1 tote worth of old t-shirts from various places & H. S. sports.
- I can't give him a back rub because he is so fidgety & super ticklish! WARNING!!! Do not try to tickle him, you will most likely end up in a wrist lock & laying on the floor before you can count to 2! Believe me - you don't want to test this theory...ask Bruce. He got a little taste of it.
- He loves to run!
- He gets hit on at work - very often too! As a matter of fact...one night while at the Delta Center, he was given a picture that was found in a cubicle area...there were multiple copies throughout that area too! Turns out that the ladies there had someone take the picture, make copies, & distribute them to all those interested. So I married a hottie!! SCORE! As a result of the many admirers, he has broken many hearts. He has even had ladies ask how serious our relationship is, once they find out he's married. THE NERVE!
- He loves me, Victoria, Christianna & our families. What more could you ask for in a guy!
I love you honey! xoxox Happy Birthday!!
I feel so special to have already known like all those things about him. How lucky am I. Oh, one more thing . . . He has a major heiney fascination! Sorry I outed ya Chris.
OH!! I didn't know it was his birthday yesterday. We would have called and sang the "happy birthday, cha cha cha" song : ) Michael LOVED that.
Ps.. I think he is pretty funny and a hothead. ha ha
pps.. good luck with motor school. will you be going to the dinner this year? if so, let's car pool.
Cute cake!! It is my fear to one day be pulled over by Chris ;)
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