Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1: Welcoming in the...SNOW??

You heard it here folks! We woke up this morning to snow falling. It was snowing a bit last night, but it was still April. So, I could deal with that...but come on, it is May! Evidently there is a cold front currently over us, but there is hope on the horizon! By Monday (only 4 days away) it should be back up to the 70's. I am hoping that this is the last time it dips back down to snowy weather before summer is here. We have been on this emotional seasonal roller coaster for a month. I guess I can count my blessings...1: we haven't had to turn on the A/C yet-nor do we need the heat on, 2: the snow boots were not stored away with the winter things (which gave the girls another reason to wear them & made me feel better about how much they cost vs. the amount they are worn before they outgrow them), 3: don't have to shave my legs everyday to wear capri pants, 4: we aren't in a home yet, so no flower or garden plant fatalities, 5: the winter decorations on the girls bedroom windows don't look that out-of-place, and 6: it keeps down the awful allergy symptoms that half of the family is suffering from.


Jen H said...

good job on your first blog!! Welcome to the blogging world. Luv ya

M. M. C. C. said...

SNOW SUCKS!!! I have my seedlings/turned plants ready to transplant outside and it keeps snowing so I can't. You should come see my garden, it's fabulous!!! : )

cute blog and I'm glad you joined the crew.

Stacey said...

Hey Nicole! Glad to see you've joined the world of blogging! Loved the hiking photos! Keep em coming! You forgot one last blessing: One more reason to snuggle up under a blanket at night!

Jessica Smith said...

Hi Nicole
Your girls are getting sooo big. I know we say this every time but we need to hang out girl!! I'm excited to see what's going on with your fam so I'll be stopping by often.
luv ya Jess

M. M. C. C. said...

I have a "mommy tag" on my page you should do. you didn't have a blog when I filled it out so I didn't "tag" you. You copy the questions and answer them for yourself, then you tag as many people as you'd like to do it too. It's really fun. You'll get a lot of these in the blogging world now : )